Views: 27134
Floodgate Productions
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Reviews 7
Again most people miss the point of the music. The music for this is aimed at younger people. If you asked any 20 something, they would most likely like it. Remember the Gospel is for all and Paul said: 1 Corinthians 9:19: “For though I am free from all men, I have made myself a servant ... I have become all things to all men, that I might by all means save some. Pick and choose who you are are trying to reach...
RIck Gasper
Really good message paired with edgy music. I like it!
Faye Finn
Camarillo Community Church
Hard to look a gift horse in the mouth and say something negative but the music leaves much to be desired. I like contemporary music but the lack of change in the music is irritating. The video however is great and we will use it with our own band. Thanks.
Wayne Bangs
I don't always love the music to a video so I often mute the sound and use it while our band plays the opening song. It actually makes a more seamless transition into the service.
Carrie Guse
Bethany Evangelical Missionary Church
I agree that the message is great but the music not so. Not even sure the heavy metal sound would appeal to the younger congregation. Maybe some lighter music?
Rich Tubbs
Emanuel Lutheran Church of Marion, OH